Kaiju No. 8 started back in 2020 and quickly got pretty popular. The story is about monsters, called Kaijus, attacking cities while the Defense Task Force fights them to keep civilians safe.
In 2024, the anime adaptation of the manga aired from April to June. Kaiju No 8 Season 2 is already confirmed and is set to release in 2025 and will be covering the Kaiju Weapon Arc.
So far, the manga has over 110 chapters, and I have read till manga chapter 113. I finally decided it was time to write about all the Kaijus that have shown up in the series.
In the story, the Japan Anti-Kaiju Defense Force (JAKDF) uses special suits made from Kaiju skin to fight these monsters.
A man working a job far removed from his childhood dreams gets wrapped up in an unexpected situation…! Becoming a monster, he aims once again to fulfill his lifelong dream…!
Manga Plus
There is also a ranking system called the Fortitude Level, which measures how strong a Kaiju is, the higher the level, the stronger the Kaiju.
Kaiju No. 14 Was Designed to Counter Mina Ashiro
Kaiju No. 14 fought Captain Mina Ashiro. This Kaiju might look strange, but it is super strong. It can shoot energy beams and even make force fields to protect itself. Its main trick is teleporting, which makes it hard to land a hit on it.
Captain Ashiro’s beam cannon is powerful enough to take down even the strongest Kaijus, but it needs time to charge. Kaiju No. 14 was designed to exploit this, making sure Ashiro does not get a chance to aim and fire.
Even though it’s powerful, Kaiju No. 14 isn’t very smart during a fight, so the Defense Force doesn’t have much trouble handling it. Its fortitude level is 9.0. It first appeared in Kaiju No 8 Chapter 68 in the The Compatible User Arc and was killed by Mina Ashiro.

Kaiju No. 10 Was All About Destruction
Kaiju No. 10 was like a giant armored tank. Its skin was super tough, and it was incredibly fast. It could even transform into a bigger and stronger version with a Fortitude Level of 9.
But even with all its strength, Kaiju No. 10 had one weakness – it got too caught up in wanting a good fight. The Defense Force used this to their advantage to take it down.
Vice-Captain Hoshina fought it even though he couldn’t match its transformed state. That’s when Captain Mina Ashiro stepped in and managed to destroy its core with her weapon.
Before it died, Kaiju No. 10 created a bomb, but Kafka stepped up and protected the Third Division. Unfortunately, the base still got destroyed in the process and Kafka’s secret was revealed.
This was actually the first prototype made by Kaiju No. 9. After its defeat, Hoshina managed to take control of Kaiju No. 10’s weapons for the Defense Force.

Kaiju No. 13 Only Cares About Winning
Kaiju No. 13 is super fast and strong, with a Fortitude Level of 9.2. This Kaiju doesn’t care about anything except defeating its enemies.
It’s also the most basic and primitive out of all the numbered Kaiju. But in the manga, Kafka, as Kaiju No. 8, takes it down pretty easily. It first appeared in Kaiju No 8 Chapter 68.

Kaiju No. 15 Pretends To Be A Kid
Kaiju No. 15 might look like a little kid, but it’s just a trick to get attention. This Kaiju is actually super scary. It can change its shape and mess with people’s minds. Its Fortitude Level is 9.0.
It uses its powers to mess with people’s fears and insecurities. Kaiju No. 15 was made specifically to take down Kikoru Shinomiya, and it even had her memories. It also first appeared in the manga chapter 68 during the big fight.

Kaiju No. 12 – A New and Improved Version of No 10
Kaiju No. 12 was created to take down Vice-Captain Hoshina from the third division. It’s like an upgraded version of Kaiju No. 10—stronger and smarter.
This Kaiju can adapt to the abilities of the opponent, which made it really hard for Hoshina to fight since it kept adapting and countering Hoshina’s moves.
Later, it was shown it can even copy the abilities too, it was able to copy Hoshina’s fighting style. The fortitude level of this Kaiju was disclosed 9.0.
Yoshina managed to create a new technique during his battle using Kaiju’s No 10 weapon and was able to destroy the core of No 12. This Kaiju showed up in Manga Chapter 76.

Kaiju No. 4 – Hikari Shinomiya’s Weapon
Kaiju No. 4 is super fast, thanks to the wings on its back. It’s so quick that even the top Defense Force fighters couldn’t keep up with it.
In the manga, this Kaiju was not shown as an opponent since it was already neutralized and turned into a weapon. We get to see its full appearance in chapter 79 when Kikoru Shinomiya talks about seeing her mom’s ghost while using the Kaiju No. 4 body suit.
Kaiju No. 4 was first used as a weapon by Hikari Shinomiya, Kikoru’s mom, and later passed down to Kikoru. Its fortitude level was never mentioned.

Kaiju No. 2 Was Absorbed by Kaiju No. 9
Kaiju No. 2 was a massive monster that almost wiped out an entire city. There is not much info about it since it was killed and turned into a weapon for Isao Shinomiya.
When Kafka Hibino was sent to the Ariake Maritime Base, Isao used the power of Kaiju No. 2 to fight against an uncontrollable Kaiju No. 8, Isao was able to take down Kaiju No 8 easily when Kafka was in control, though Kafka was not even trying to fight at all.
However, when Kaiju No 8 lost control, it was able to take down Isao easily and Kafka had to take back control forcefully.
Kaiju No. 2’s abilities included firing sonic attacks and creating super strong shields. These powers were crazy strong, making it hard to take down. After Kaiju No. 9 absorbed Isao (Kaiju No 2), its body got bigger and stronger, with more muscle and mass.

Kaiju No. 1’s Eyes Gave Gen Narumi Power of Prediction
Kaiju No. 1 was unique because it had meta vision. We don’t know a lot about it, but its eyes were its real weapon. After it was defeated by the task force, the Kaiju was weaponized and given to Captain Gen Narumi.
Kaiju No. 1 had a fortitude level over 9.0. Its eyes could see through living things to find their weak points, giving it an insane level of enhanced vision, kind of like meta-vision.
Once Gen Narumi got the weaponized eyes, he gained an ability even Kaiju No. 1 didn’t have. He could see brain impulses in living beings, which let him predict exactly when and where someone would attack.
This made his counterattacks almost impossible to dodge. It is like he could see the future and react before the enemy even made their move.

Kaiju No. 6 the “King of the Kaiju,” was unstoppable
Kaiju No. 6 is called the “King of the Kaiju,” and it definitely earned that title. It caused massive destruction and killed over 200 Defense Force officers, including 3 captains. One of them was Hikari Shinomiya, Kikoru’s mom and Isao’s wife.
Eventually, Kaiju No. 6 was defeated and captured. Its fortitude level was 9.6, but turning it into a weapon was not easy. At first, no weapon could handle it. Later, Reno Ichikawa became compatible with the Kaiju No 6, and it made him way stronger.
But there were still problems. The suit was not fully compatible with Reno, so sometimes it messed up his body during fights. Even with its risks, the power of Kaiju No. 6 made Reno a lot more powerful.

Kafka Hibino Becomes Kaiju No. 8
Kafka Hibino, the main character, was chosen to become Kaiju No. 8. This happened when Kafka was in the hospital, and Kaiju interacted with him, eventually deciding to make him its host. The exact reason for this is revealed in the manga, but I haven’t read that chapter yet.
Kaiju No. 8 is the strongest Kaiju in the story, with a fortitude level of 9.8. For a while, Kafka tried to keep the fact that he was a Kaiju a secret.
But when the Daikaiju attacked and destroyed the Third Division base, Kafka had no choice but to transform into Kaiju No. 8 and save everyone.
Afterward, Kafka was arrested and sent to a base, where he met Isao Shinomiya whom he fought. Isao eventually decided to let him go and transferred Kafka to Gen Narumi’s squad, the first division.

Kaiju No. 9 – The Main Villain
Kaiju No. 9 is the main villain in the story, and it is the most dangerous Kaiju because of its intelligence. While it is not the strongest Kaiju, it’s really clever and gets stronger as the story moves forward. Over time, it becomes a serious threat to the world in Kaiju No. 8.
After Kaiju No. 6, Kaiju No. 9 is called the new King of Kaiju. It can merge with other monsters to make itself stronger, combining with smaller monsters like the Ant-Types or even powerful ones like Kaiju No. 2, even when Kaiju No. 2 was turned into a weapon.

Kaiju No. 9 is actually a combination of different Kaijus and humans that it absorbed and fused together, giving it access to their powers.
It can also create copies of itself, as shown in the Weapon Arc. Kaiju No. 9 had everything planned out in that arc, taking down Director Isao and absorbing Kaiju No. 2 by also absorbing Isao.
Final Words
If I forgot to mention any Kaiju, kindly let me know in the comments. However, these are all Kaijus that have appeared in the Kaiju No 8 manga so far. Kaiju No 9 fight with Isao will happen in the upcoming Kaiju No 8 Season 2.