
Blue Lock 288 Spoilers Reveal Yukimiya Subbing in for Igaguri

After a week’s break, Blue Lock 288 spoilers are finally out. In the last chapter, we saw Noel Noa subbed out Igaguri since his gameplay was not helping anymore.

This week’s chapter is shorter than usual because the artist is not feeling well. Before discussing the spoilers, let me quickly recap what went down in Chapter 287!

Blue Lock 288 Spoilers Reveal Yukimiya Subbing in for Igaguri


BM and PXG are still tied at 2-2, and the match is pretty much stuck. Isagi sees PXG’s Tabito Karasu and Charles Chevalier working together, and their teamwork catches him off guard.

PXG almost scores, but BM’s Raichi, Hiori, and Kiyora stop Shidou with a “Triple Press.” Shidou passes the ball to Rin, and PXG’s attack keeps going strong.

When it looks bad for BM, Igaguri steps in with his usual foul play, stopping Shidou and earning himself a yellow card.

After that, Noel Noa decides to sub Igaguri out, saying his unpredictable style worked before but isn’t helping anymore. Igaguri begs for another chance but gets benched anyway.

The chapter ends with Isagi reflecting on Igaguri’s efforts, saying he played a key role in getting him this far.

Blue Lock 288 Spoilers: Yukimiya Joins the Game

Blue Lock 288, titled ‘Death Game (Part 1)’, starts with Igaguri getting subbed out. He is in tears because this feels like the end of his career at Blue Lock. Isagi steps in, ready to take on the pressure, and Yukimiya joins the game in Igaguri’s place.

Right away, Isagi knows Yukimiya’s presence changes things. With Yukimiya on the left side, their attack just got way stronger.

There is no holding back now. Isagi and Yukimiya team up, completely focused on one thing, winning. For Isagi, nothing else matters. Gagamaru claims ‘it’s a sure win now’ with Yukimiya on the team and passes the ball to him.

Yukimiya goes all out, slicing through PXG players with his speed. Isagi’s already cooking up a plan in his head, thinking about how he, Kaiser, and Yukimiya can partner up to smash through the defense. However, Yukimiya does not stick to the plan.

Yukimiya’s Solo Move

Karasu’s Meta Vision showed that Yukimiya was going to pass the ball to Isagi, which would’ve given Karasu the perfect chance to steal it from Isagi. But that didn’t happen. Yukimiya didn’t pass at all. Instead, he chose to take things into his own hands.

He made it look like he was going to work with Isagi or Kaiser, but that was just a trick. Yukimiya used their movements to open up space for himself and went straight for the goal on his own.

Blue Lock 288 Spoilers Reveal Yukimiya Subbing in for Igaguri

Isagi’s Realization

Isagi notices what is going on and figures it out, Yukimiya is using both him and Kaiser to grab all the attention for himself.

Isagi starts thinking about Yukimiya’s way of playing. He realizes it could be really good for the team or cause problems, depending on how they sync up.

Bastard Munchen is working together as a unit, but Yukimiya’s ego-driven style adds an explosive edge to their attack.

Blue Lock 288 Spoilers Reveal Yukimiya Subbing in for Igaguri

Final Words

Part 2 of Death Game will show if putting Kenyu Yukimiya on the field was the right move or not. Before he came in,

Bastard Munchen was fully in sync, and they still are. But they needed Yukimiya’s dribbling skills to secure the win.

The problem is, Yukimiya does not seem too interested in teamwork right now. Instead, he’s using his own teammates as bait so he can score the final goal himself. Do you think this ego-driven style is what BM really needs right now? Drop your theories in the comments!

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Masab Farooque

About Author

Masab Farooque is the founder of ReplayJutsu and Waifu Pulse and a lifelong gamer, anime enthusiast, and entertainment junkie. He's been writing about tech and pop culture for over five years. When not glued to a screen, he's probably building his next gaming PC or rewatching his favorite anime for the hundredth time.