PTJ hyped up the fight between Jinrang and Daniel Park in the previous chapter, but that did not really happen. Instead, Zack Lee and the Kings stole the spotlight in Lookism Chapter 542.
Even though Daniel is one of the strongest fighters there, he ended up just watching. Since he and Jinrang have not fought yet, it is hard to say who is stronger or what type of feats the King of Busan, Jinrang possesses.
However, he is the disciple of Gen 0’s Gapryong Kim who was pretty much the strongest character of the Lookism verse and according to Busan’s rumors, Jinrang has killed people with just one punch.
From this, we can assume the King of Busan is really strong, unlike anyone Daniel Park has faced before except Gun Park.

James Lee and Kitae Kim Still Haven’t Shown Up
Even though James Lee and Kitae Kim were the ones who set everything in motion, they still have not appeared in Busan. And from how things are looking, Jinrang might not even be the real villain of this arc.
Eli Jang already proved that Jinrang and his gang are involved in illegal business, but not on a level that would make him someone like Charles Choi. He has not shown up at Area#4 either to stop Daniel Park from escalating things.
Is Jinrang the Next Charles Choi?
James Lee warned Daniel Park that a new threat is rising in Busan at the start of the Busan Arc, hinting that Jinrang could turn into another Charles Choi.
Coincidentally, Daniel saw Jinrang outside the prison when he went to meet Gun Park and he immediately felt Jinrang’s intimidating presence.
Daniel already regrets not stopping Charles Choi earlier, and James Lee used that to push him even more. Daniel does not want another Charles Choi running around, so he is determined to take out the threat before it grows into something worse.
Jinrang Challenges Daniel Park
Daniel defeated Jinrang’s No. 3 and became the champion of the ring. But since this was Busan, Jinrang was not going to let a Seoul fighter walk away like that, and the whole Busan showed up as well just to watch Jinrang fight.
He challenged Daniel to a fight, not just for revenge but for pride. Like Sang Baek, Jinrang also believes the Seoul crew is only here because of James Lee and thinks they’re just his lapdogs.
When Jinrang stepped up, his presence alone was enough to freeze Vasco and Vin Jin in place. But Daniel did not even flinch. He was casually moving around and even said he wanted to take care of Jinrang’s No. 2 first before they fought.
Zack Lee Takes on Sang Baek
Since Allied doesn’t know that Big Daniel and Little Daniel are the same person, Big Daniel is in Busan on behalf of Lil Daniel and is acting as Allied’s leader.
So, when Jinrang’s No. 2, Sang Baek, stepped up to fight Daniel, Zack decided to fight him instead. Zack Lee claimed, if Jinrang’s second-in-command was fighting, then Allied’s No. 2 should take him on.
A lot of fans did not expect Zack Lee to last in a fight against someone as strong as Sang Baek, but he proved everyone wrong.
Since Zack used to be a thug type guy too, he knew exactly how to deal with Sang Baek’s dirty tricks. He even predicted Sang Baek’s move and blocked a broken bottle attack with a brick.
Zack Lee’s Mastery of Speed

Zack showed insane speed, moving as fast as Gongseob Ji in his prime. Even his own teammates were shocked when he overpowered someone as strong as a king.
But Sang Baek was not going down that easily. He managed to counter Zack and even went as far as biting his hand with his metal fake teeth.
3v1 Against Sang Baek
Even after that, Zack still managed to overpower Sang Baek again. But then Vasco and Vin Jin jumped in, making it a 3v1 instead of a fair fight. Still, Zack proved he could handle Sang Baek alone.
Before Allied could do any more damage, Jinrang stepped in and took all three of them down with just one hit.
To cover up the embarrassment of his No. 2 being on the ground, he used the same excuse Sang Baek did when Daniel one-shotted their No. 3, saying he is just “tying his laces.”
Not Daniel vs. Jinrang?
PTJ made it seem like this would be Daniel Park vs. Jinrang, the King of Busan, but Lookism Chapter 542 took a different turn. Instead, Gongseob Ji and Taesoo Ma stepped up to fight Jinrang together.
Jinrang underestimates them just because they both lost to James Lee and even lost body parts to him, just like Jinrang’s own men.

The chapter ended on a cliffhanger with Taesoo Ma, the King of Ansan, and Gongseob Ji, the King of Daegu, giving Jinrang a deadly glare.