
Kaiju No 8 Season 2 Weapon Arc Explained

Kaiju No 8 first season ended on 29th June 2024. There were a total of 12 episodes in the season. It ended on the Kaiju No 8 captured arc (Manga Chapter 39).

The defense task force arrested Kafka and he was taken to the Ariake Maritime Base. Everyone was shocked that they had a Kaiju in the defense task force. Director Isao decided to keep Kafka alive after their insane fight.

Kaiju No 8 has been renewed for a second season and Season 2 will air start July 2025 on TV Tokyo and other networks.

We already know that the upcoming season will feature the Kaiju Weapon Arc and Compatible User Arc.

Kaiju Weapon Arc Explained

After the events in season 1 (Director Isao vs Kafka), Kafka is assigned to the first unit by Isao to fight Kaiju No 9. We saw that Kaiju No 9 is planning something big to get Kaiju No 8 back.

Narumi actually disagrees with having Kafka on his platoon as he thinks he is stronger than Kafka and does not need a Kaiju.

Narumi does not like Kafka

Narumi actually wanted to dispose of Kafka and use his body to create a weapon that he could wield. However, Isao already made his decision to keep Kafka alive and to turn him into a weapon against other Kaijus.

Kikoru is also added to the first division of the Defense Force, Captain Gen Narumi is the leader of this division.

Gen Narumi, Chapter 41, Credits MangaPlus

Kaiju No 9 attack on Shingawa City

Kaiju No 9 then attacks Shinagawa City to find Kafka. Turns out he can sense other Kaijus and is super intelligent.

As we all know how strong Kaiju No 9 is, he does not attack directly first, instead, he sends some monsters to destroy Shinagawa City so that Kafka will come forward to save the day.

Narumi arrives at the scene first and saves two children who were about to be eaten alive by the monster. Turns out there are four monsters in the city. However, the civilians were rescued and taken away from the area so Narumi orders to go full out to his division.

Kafka wanted to show the defense force that he is useful as Director Isao told him he has to show his potential to survive.

Kikoru surprised everyone by defeating a monster with one attack. Narumi was impressed by her abilities but Kikoru still believed she has a long way to go.

Kaiju No 8 Chapter 42. Credits MangaPlus

Kafka Transformation Failed

Kafka is being watched by the researchers brought by Director Isao so they can study the full potential of Kaiju No 8. Kafka then uses his partial transformation to defeat the monster sent by Kaiju No 9. However, Kafka’s punch had no effect on the monster.

Kafka was hesitant to use his full power after his fight with director Isao, he thought he would lose control (something similar to Naruto and Kurama).

He then decides to transform as there is no time to be hesitant. However, he failed to transform.

The monster then punches Kafka so hard that he is sent flying. Another strong Kaiju appears at the scene, and Narumi declares that it is the leader of these monsters.

When the Kaiju appears, Kafka quickly realizes it is the Kaiju No 9 whom he defeated before. Kaiju No 9 starts torturing Kafka so he would transform.

Narumi then starts moving towards Kafka’s location but another Kaiju No 9 body appears in front of him shocking everyone.

The defeated Kaijus were also revived in the area and their powers were increased too after the revival.

Kaiju No 9 reveals his plan to Kafka that he is going to kill Kafka and steal his powers of Kaiju No 8.

Kaiju No 8 Season 2 Weapon Arc Explained
Credits MangaPlus

Kikoru vs Kaiju No 9

Kafka tries to transform again but he fails again. Kaiju No 9 was about to kill Kafka but Kikoru arrives and splits Kaiju No 9 in half but he regenerates really quickly.

Director Isao then decides to join the fight but his subordinate tells him to sit down because if he uses the Kaiju No 2 powers more he will die as it decreases his life span.

Kikoru realizes that Kaiju No 9 is doing something to stop Kafka from transforming and decides to damage No 9 enough for Kafka to transform again.

Kaiju No 9 then makes another clone of himself to fight both Kafka and Kikoru. No 9 then ignored Kafka and fired all the bullets towards Kikoru and he managed to land a hit. Kikoru then attacks No 9 and damages him badly.

However, No 9 had every counter planned, Ant Kaiju appears from below to kill Kikoru but Kafka then rushes towards her and saves her sacrificing his own leg.

Kafka then tries to transform again but a nightmare appears before his eyes that he will kill Kikoru and everyone else if he transforms again. Turns out he failed to transform again.

No 9 then attacks them both, Kikoru’s axe is broken while Kafka is badly injured. Kafka admits to Kikoru that he can’t transform because of his fear of losing control again.

Kikoru is so disappointed in Kafka and starts fighting No 9 solo. Kafka then realizes he can never kill Kikoru and transforms successfully this time.

Kaiju No 8 Season 2 Weapon Arc Explained
Credits MangaPlus

Kafka vs Kaiju No 9

As soon as Kafka and Kikoru prepare to fight No 9 together, the already defeated Kaiju reappears at the scene, this time with wings. Kafka then goes for Kaiju No 9 meanwhile Kikoru goes for the ant Kaijus in the area.

Kaiju No 9 then claims that he has stronger skin than before and will kill No 8 this time. However, Kafka rushes at super speed and manages to destroy the core of Ant Kaiju No 9.

Kaiju No 8 Season 2 Weapon Arc Explained
Credits MangaPlus

Narumi vs No 9 Beta

Kafka easily defeats the Kaiju No 9 and Narumi then decides to go full out against Kaiju No 9 Beta.

Narumi then fires bullets towards No 9 Beta but he dodges them all. Turns out he has learned all of Narumi’s moves. No 9 beta then sends multiple explosive attacks towards Narumi which results in a huge explosion.

Narumi survives and then his eyes turns into four leaf clover. Narumi then attacks No 9 and puts a hole in No 9 Beta gut. No 9 beta was confused as he had already adapted to his moves.

Turns out Narumi had Kaiju No 1 future sight, he can look into the future. Narumi then easily defeats Kaiju No 9 Beta. Defense Task Force then announces Kafka and Narumi has succesfully defeated No 9.

Kaiju No 8 Season 2 Weapon Arc Explained
Credits MangaPlus

Director Isao in Trouble

Suddenly Kaiju No 9 reappears in front of Kafka and says that he couldn’t defeat him but he can still fulfil his other goal.

No 9 then suddenly showed up at the headquarters where Director Isao was. No 9 had another motive, get Kaiju No 2 powers. And it was revealed it was the original body that Director Isao was now facing.

Kafka rushes to headquarters. Director Isao begins his fight with No 9 but is shocked to see how strong No 9 truly is.

Kaiju No 8 Season 2 Weapon Arc Explained
Credits MangaPlus

Director Isao then releases the full power of Kaiju No 2 sacrificing his life span. It was still not enough as No 9 was even stronger.

Isao then goes full offensive and keeps attacking the No 9 but he keeps on regenerating. Moreover, Isao badly damaged the No 9 body but he sacrificed himself in doing so. However, the core remained intact so No 9 was able to regenerate.

No 9 started to absorb Kaiju No 2 and took over Director Isao’s body. Narumi arrives at the scene and was happy to see Director Isao alive but Kafka then realizes it is not Director Isao.

Kaiju No 9 now has fused with No 2 and has become so powerful that even Kafka is shocked to see how strong he is.

Kikoru was not ready to believe that Isao is gone but No 9 then turned his left side of the face to Director Isao’s face showing he had absorbed him after killing him.

Kaiju No 8 Season 2 Weapon Arc Explained
Credits MangaPlus

Kafka and Narumi Join Forces

Kafka and Narumi then fights together as a duo to take down No 9 but he overwhelms both of them with his new strength. He now knows about Narumi powers and Kafka powers. Even with their combined strength they were not able to damage No 9.

Kafka after seeing Kikoru so helpless became so angry that he starts punching No 9 so fast and so hard that his regeneration is not able to keep up.

Narumi and Kafka, just about to land the final blow to kill No 9, he counter attacks them both with a powerful attack straight from his core and runs away. No 9 was feeling side effects because of his recent fusion.

After Director Isao’s Death Events

Kikoru didn’t attend her father’s funeral and she promises that she will only mourn him once the defense force has neutralized No 9. Kafka finds out that if he stays Kaiju for too long he may become permanently Kaiju No 8 and his hand was a proof.

The Defense Force is also aware that Kafka may not be able to transform back into a human. The task force does not want Kafka to become a full Kaiju forever.

Narumi tells Kafka all this but at the end, he then says lend me your strength. The only people who can understand me are the people who were actually at the scene where Director Isao was killed.

Final Words

I have only covered the events of Weapon Arc. Season 2 will most likely cover the Compatible User Arc too.

Currently, there are 119 chapters released in this manga series. We will get the second season in 2025 according to the official report shared on the official channel prior to the Jump Festa 2024. Crunchyroll describes the plot of the anime as:

In a world plagued by creatures known as Kaiju, Kafka Hibino aspired to enlist in The Defense Force. He makes a promise to enlist with his childhood friend, Mina Ashiro. Soon, life takes them in separate ways. While employed cleaning up after Kaiju battles, Kafka meets Reno Ichikawa. Reno’s determination to join The Defense Force reawakens Kafka’s promise to join Mina and protect humanity.

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Masab Farooque

About Author

Masab Farooque is the founder of ReplayJutsu and Waifu Pulse and a lifelong gamer, anime enthusiast, and entertainment junkie. He's been writing about tech and pop culture for over five years. When not glued to a screen, he's probably building his next gaming PC or rewatching his favorite anime for the hundredth time.