
Google Adds Naruto Shadow Clone Easter Egg for 25th Anniversary!

Google has added a cool new animation to celebrate Naruto’s 25th anniversary! If you search “Naruto” on Google, you will see a small Konoha logo in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Click on it, and something fun happens, Naruto’s Shadow Clones start appearing all over your search results!

It is not something new though, Google is known for adding hidden Easter eggs to its search engine. These are little surprises and animations that show up when you type certain keywords.

Some popular ones include:

  • “Do a barrel roll” – The screen spins in a 360° motion.
  • “Askew” – The search results tilt slightly.
  • “Thanos” – Clicking the Infinity Gauntlet made search results disappear (when this was active).

Google keeps adding new ones from time to time, and now Naruto gets his own special Easter egg!

It has been 25 years since the first chapter of Naruto was released on September 21, 1999. To celebrate this, Google added this fun little tribute for Naruto fans.

Source: Naruto Official Website.

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Masab Farooque

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Masab Farooque is the founder of ReplayJutsu and Waifu Pulse and a lifelong gamer, anime enthusiast, and entertainment junkie. He's been writing about tech and pop culture for over five years. When not glued to a screen, he's probably building his next gaming PC or rewatching his favorite anime for the hundredth time.